A careerist sees other people as his own stepping stones. If you want to advance your career at any cost, you will always pay too much for it.
It is very scary not to care.
There are billions of reasons to celebrate life today.
The best way to celebrate is to spend your time thinking fondly of the people with whom you can live your life.
The more we get to know people or things, the less we want to form definite opinions about them.
Life is
always on the move.
It can NOT remain the same.
It is not even possible not to change.
It's the last percent that counts. Small things are not small. A big change often starts with a small movement in the head.
Changing the Mind
The human mind can be changed, but not by force. Changes imposed from the outside are always superficial, temporary, and often painful.
Changing the World
The fastest way to change the world is to look at it differently.
If we want to change the world, we must look for ways to do it, not just watch a horror show.
To change the world, we need a mind that can see and be the world.
Right action is not a choice between options. We see the world either as it is or as we imagine it to be. When we really see, we are free and beyond the mind.
Clarity reduces confusion.
Washing my car makes me feel cleaner.
We are afraid of not belonging to a group or herd. We'd rather cling to familiar misery than enter a world we don't know.
universe is always coherent.
All problems are caused by the ego,
which is allowed to create chaos.
is difficult to define,
but we feel it when we experience harmony, order, beauty, goodness - and truth.
cannot be obtained by will,
but one can be more sensitive to incoherence.
perception helps the brain to function correctly.
Such a perception should be allowed to build.
If many people believe in something stupid, false or wrong, it is a collective illusion, collusion.
Good service cannot be created by commanding, we cannot force a person to smile genuinely.
Command and control is a disastrous way of leading people in a situation where well-educated women or young bright people enter organisations.
There is no need to comment on everything.
don't fight because they disagree.
They fight because they don't see the same world.
In a well-managed group, you can express a different opinion. In the best groups, it MUST be expressed, because by listening to those who disagree, a strong and genuinely common position can be found.
Many people ponder over the boundary between the individual and the community. There is no boundary, or it is where we draw it. The smartest is the one who does not seek a border, because we are an inseparable part of the communities in which we operate.
A common will is glue that unites people to make miracles happen.
If we don't compare, all is right.
There are things that can and should be compared. If we compare ourselves to others, we will find better and worse people than we are. What if we just looked at ourselves as we are and let others be what they are.
Compassion is gentle experiencing life together.
Compassion is needed because without it we destroy each other.
Compassion is our opportunity, the lack of it is our real threat.
Every gesture of compassion is a step in the right direction.
Seeing life as a competition is a fatal mistake that causes us to run after acceptance and quick wins. No matter how much we achieve, we always feel we could get more.
Sometimes we realize something we have known for a long time.
The more we know, the more there is to know.
We don't react to facts, but to our thoughts about them. We live in a world of concepts and we argue about them.
Many people love concepts more than truth.
We don't have to try everything. We can conclude that the wall is hard and there is no point banging our heads against it.
Conflicts seem to come from outside us, but we create them in our own heads.
We are
programmed to live in conflict.
Conflicts end when the ego moves from the world of concepts to the world of
A human being
is neither an island nor yet a hermit.
We are connected to each other by invisible threads.
The world is more than we can ever imagine. Realising this frees the mind and connects us to the world.
Connecting with another is happiness, which we lose by focusing too much on ourselves.
Time and distance do not determine the depth of connection.
Connection with others is the luxury of life.
Our consciousness twists everything we look at. It abstracts, leaves something out, and adds something irrelevant. Doubt it!
There is so much misinterpreted reality in consciousness that one lifetime is not enough to sort it all out. Fortunately, there is a shortcut. When the mind perceives the distortion and does not accept it, thought immediately acts rationally.
If everyone agrees, there is no true consensus. Weak adaptation leads to a decrease in the vitality of the group. Group members adapt, but don't throw themselves into doing things together.
There is nothing in the world that all people agree on.
Our relationship with people, nature, and objects cannot be measured in minutes or metres, but by the meaning we give to things. We feel close to someone even though we haven't seen them for years, but we may have no connection to the person sitting next to us on the bus.
There must be rules and discipline, norms and sanctions in the group, but control must not be self-serving. Indiscipline of rules sometimes saves a group from destruction.
Control narrows the potential.
We cannot dictate what we feel or experience. We can try to control our reactions, but only afterward.
We are ready to fight and kill for convictions, but not to consider their justification. We would rather die than give up our core beliefs even when we see the damage and destruction they cause.
The sooner a person realises he has made a mistake, the smarter he is. One would suppose that we would be clever about the things that matter to us, but it's just the opposite: we are the most tenacious in holding on to our convictions.
Our problems in the area of cooperation are mainly self-inflicted.
Cooperation is impossible if people are unable to rise above their own agendas.
The interplay between people is paradoxical and full of tension. The same thing can be both a threat and a tremendous opportunity, a danger and a necessity, a virtue, and a handicap. Two people with different opinions can both be right - or both be wrong. We can love one and hate the other. Absolute rules must sometimes be broken. The same rule works and destroys. Discipline can be achieved by letting actors improvise.
A quick way to destroy cooperation is to not intervene in bad behaviour, and silently tolerate crap and cross-timbering.
Human-made problems can be solved by human cooperation. This, on the condition that there is enough will and understanding.
Law of
When people want different things,
nobody gets what they want.
It is more important to do the right thing than to be right.
Brave decisions are rarely regretted.
Covering Up
In this play that we put on for each other day after day, a tremendous amount of energy is wasted on covering up fear and inner fragility.
The hardest part of learning something new is giving up what we've learned before. Creativity is giving up the old to make way for the new.
Organizations are always in crisis, but they don't always realise it.
The world's crises can only be solved by working together.
In moments of success, it is easy to maintain a good spirit, but a crisis always surprises you sooner or later. Then we see how genuine and deep the bonds between the group members actually are.
If we want to learn from our mistakes and not make them in the future, it's not smart to be afraid of criticism. We must want to hear what we would prefer not to.